Sezzle እና Shop Pay በማቅረብ ኩራት ይሰማናል። ዛሬ ይግዙ እና በ 4 ወለድ ነፃ ክፍያዎች ይክፈሉ።
Clearance: Howard Alumni Vote Woman with Curly Hair
$13.00Clearance: Kamala Harris for the People Unisex Shirt
$15.25Clearance: Howard Alumni Vote Women's Shirt
ከ $13.00Clearance: Howard Alumni Vote Unisex Shirt
$20.00Bundle Women for Kamala shirt and I’m with her button
$19.25Clearance: I’m Speaking Kamala Women's Shirt
$15.25እስትንፋስ፡ ጥቁር ሴቶችን የሚያከብር የራስ እንክብካቤ ቀለም መጽሐፍ
$11.25 $15.00Pearl Necklace Blue White 3 Strand for Women